Recently Added Resources
The Cornerstone Journal of Pastoral Theology and Ministry (2024) is Now Available!
We are pleased to announce that our latest issue of The Cornerstone Journal of Pastoral Theology and Ministry is now available. You can read a free PDF version of the journal here, or you can order a physical copy here. The purpose of the CJPTM is to provide pastors, theologians, and church leaders with pastorally rooted, academically rigorous resources that will equip them…
Book Recommendation: Evangelical Pharisees by Michael Reeves
Michael Reeves. Evangelical Pharisees: The Gospel as Cure for the Church’s Hypocrisy. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 2023. 112 pp. $10.99. Michael Reeves (PhD, King’s College, London) is president and professor of theology at Union School of Theology in Bridgend and Oxford, United Kingdom. He is the author of several books, including Delighting in the Trinity; Rejoice and Tremble; and Gospel…
David Brainerd: Transformed by Beholding Christ
Though we may be tempted to think complex marketing initiatives, the newest missions paradigm, and the most polished individuals are what is required to make much of Christ, that is patently false. Brainerd reminds us that “Christ is his own attraction."
The Long-Term Advantage of Pastors Training Pastors
One of the most important aspects of The Cornerstone Bible College and Seminary is our pastor-professor model of instruction. Our faculty, all serving pastors in local churches with an average of over twenty years of pastoral experience, bring a wealth of real-life wisdom, insight, and experience to the classroom. This, combined with their excellent theological…
The Biblical Metrics of a Successful Ministry
Nearly four decades ago, Kent Hughes and his wife penned a book entitled Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome. Early his ministry, Hughes faced challenges that threatened to derail him from his pastoral calling. As his troubles were reaching their apex, Ken’s wife, Barbara, offered him words of encouragement that were rooted in God’s faithfulness. This…
Brothers, Read ‘The Christian Ministry’ by Charles Bridges
Our Chief Shepherd gives his servants fellow under-shepherds to come alongside and provide much-needed encouragement and instruction in the pastoral ministry.
The Inaugral Issue of The Cornerstone Journal of Pastoral Theology and Ministry is Now Available!
We are pleased to announce that the first installment of The Cornerstone Journal of Pastoral Theology and Ministry is now available. You can read a free PDF version of the journal here, or you can order a physical copy here. The purpose of the CJPTM is to provide pastors, theologians, and church leaders with pastorally rooted, academically rigorous resources…
President Ryan Rippee’s New E-Book on TCBS Distinctives
At TCBS our aim is to train men to be faithful Christ-centered expositors of God’s Word who love and shepherd the flock that God has allotted to their care. We believe this aim is accomplished by crafting our philosophy of theological education around four essential distinctives: (1) Christ-centeredness; (2) a pastor-professor model of instruction; (3)…
Polycarp: A Faithful Witness
Polycarp’s legacy is one of abiding relevance because he is a faithful example to imitate.
Scripture is a Practical Theology: A Vision for Theological Education
Whenever I teach a class on systematic theology—Bibliology, Soteriology, Pneumatology—I begin with an hour-long lecture on theological method. I want our students to see that doing theology isn’t simply a matter of collecting relevant Bible texts and expositing each passage in its original context. That step is essential and foundational, but for our theological formulations…