The Cornerstone Journal of Pastoral Theology and Ministry (2024) is Now Available!
We are pleased to announce that our latest issue of The Cornerstone Journal of Pastoral Theology and Ministry is now available. You can read a free PDF version of the journal here, or you can order a physical copy here.
The purpose of the CJPTM is to provide pastors, theologians, and church leaders with pastorally rooted, academically rigorous resources that will equip them to better instruct, love, and shepherd Christ’s people. The theme of our latest issue is, “Pastoral Leadership.”

Below is list of the resources that you will find in this installment.
Featured Articles
“Philosophy of Theological Education for the Pastor-Professor: A Case Study”
Ryan L. Rippee
“Leading Your People in a Biblical Theology of Work”
Derek J. Brown
“The Necessity of a Plurality of Elders in Local Church Leadership”
Cliff McManis
“Pastoral Authority and the Word of God”
Joshua Grauman
“The Necessity of Love in Pastoral Leadership”
Gregory Stoever
“The Indicative/Imperative Construct as a Pastoral Tool for Spiritual Formation”
Chris Oliveri
Pastoral Insights
“The Aim of Effective Pastoral Leadership: Beholding the Glory of Christ”
Wes Wade
“Staying Power for Pastoral Ministry”
Ron Prosise
“The Pastor’s Duty: Leading by Teaching”
Richard Andrew Zaman
Review Article
“In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration by William Lane Craig”
Reviewed by Cliff McManis
Book Reviews
Jonathan Leeman. Authority: How Godly Rule Protects the Vulnerable, Strengthens Communities, and Promotes Human Flourishing (Crossway, 2023)
Reviewed by Tim Ingrum
Paul David Tripp. Sunday Matters: 52 Devotionals to Prepare Your Heart for Church (Crossway, 2023)
Reviewed by Daniel D. Arcilla
Dan Kreiss, Efrem Smith. Church For Everyone: Building A Multi-Inclusive Community For Emerging Generations (IVP, 2024)
Reviewed by Patrick Lacson
Michael J. Vlach. Dispensational Hermeneutics: Interpretation Principles that Guide Dispensationalism’s Understanding of the Bible’s Storyline (Theological Studies Press, 2023)
Reviewed by Charlie Nason