Master of Divinity Program
The Master of Divinity curriculum presents a three-year program in graduate level theological education to provide one with the necessary theological, practical, and exegetical skills to effectively serve as a pastor, elder, and/or missionary at home or abroad. It requires the satisfactory completion of 151 quarter credit hours.
Bachelor of Theology and Associate of Theology Programs
Since the nomenclature “Master of Divinity” is reserved for those with a baccalaureate degree, a select number of applicants will be selected for programs with the nomenclatures of “Bachelor of Theology” or “Associate of Theology.” Both programs will usually be for applicants over the age of 30. The Bachelor of Theology will be obtained by those who have earned at least 90 quarter units of college credit. The Associate of Theology will be awarded to graduates who have completed less than 90 units. Associate and Bachelor degree students will complete the same course of study as the Master of Divinity program.
Suggested 4-Year Seminary Plan
M.Div. Program Outcomes
Students will demonstrate a commitment to:
- the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ.
- the Scriptures’ nature as the sufficient, inerrant revelation of God’s mind and will.
- the Spirit’s work in the ministries of preaching, edification, and evangelism.
- the work of missions as the spread of God’s glory to all peoples.
- sovereignty of God and man’s responsibility in salvation.
- the supremacy of preaching for the life of the church and the advance of the gospel.
- the necessity of calling, character, and gifting of a man of God for ministry.
- broad-based ministry of the Word by others throughout the church.
- the priorities of biblical eldership, and leading the local church.
- the biblical languages for preparing to be expository preachers.
- Students will demonstrate a commitment to learning from church history the need of doctrinal fidelity and effective models for ministry.
Future Ministry Possibilities
This degree prepares graduates with foundational skills necessary for an effective Christ-centered, Spirit dependent preaching and teaching ministry within the local church, or within para-church organizations. Positions of service would include, any pastoral role within the local body, elder, author, professor, scholar, missionary, conference speaker, seminary administrator, community leader, any other roles in which a Master of Divinity in the field of humanities might serve.
The M.Div. program is a total of 151 quarter units.
Biblical Languages (33 Hours)
- BL 501 Greek Grammar & Exegesis I* (4)
- BL 502 Greek Grammar & Exegesis II (4)
- BL 503 Greek Grammar & Exegesis III (4)
- BL 601 Hebrew I: Phonology/Morphology (4)
- BL 602 Hebrew II: Morphology (4)
- BL 603 4 Hebrew III: Syntax (4)
- BL 703 Hebrew IV: Exegesis (3)
- BL 659 Exegesis of Galatians (3)
- BL 765 Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles (3)
*Elementary Greek (BL 401) must be taken or language proficiency test must be passed before taking Greek Exegesis I.
Biblical Exposition and Hermeneutics (21 Hours)
- BE 502 Survey & Biblical Theology of the Old Testament I (4)
- BE 503 Survey & Biblical Theology of the Old Testament II (4)
- BE 504 Survey & Biblical Theology of the New Testament (4)
- BE 505 Exposition of Genesis (3)
- BE 501 Hermeneutics & Interpretation (3)
- BE 701 The Christ-Centeredness of Scripture (3)
Church History (11 Hours)
- CH 601 Church History I (3)
- CH 602 Church History II (3)
- CH 603 Church History III (3)
- CH 799 Research in Church History (2)
Systematic Theology (38 Hours)
- ST 501 Bibliology (4)
- ST 502 The Triune God and Theology Proper (4)
- ST 504 Christology (4)
- ST 601 Pneumatology (3)
- ST 701 Anthropology & Angelology (3)
- ST 602 Hamartiology & Soteriology (4)
- ST 603 Sanctification: The Christian Life (3)
- ST 604 Ecclesiology (3)
- ST 702 Eschatology (3)
- ST 703 Theology of Worship (3)
- ST 704 Christian Apologetics (2)
- ST 799 Research in Theology (2)
Pastoral Training (24 Hours)
- PT 502 Marriage and Family (3)
- PT 501 Leadership (3)
- PT 601 Biblical Counseling I (4)
- PT 602 Biblical Counseling II (3)
- PT 701 The Theology of Preaching (3)
- PT 705 Discipleship (3)
- PT 702 The Preparation for Preaching (3)
- PT 703 The Practice of Preaching (2)
Missions (6 Hours)
- WM 501 Missions & The Glory of God (3)
- WM 502 Missions: Spread of God’s Glory (3)